Dance lessons for beginners
Footsteps™ dance program
At William Maslin Dance Studios, we have lessons and courses to suit every level of dance. But what if you’ve never danced a step in your life? Don’t worry, we can tailor every dance program to the needs of the student so that our teaching is always perfectly matched to suit your experience and ability.
Dance lessons designed for beginners
Our Footsteps™ dance program is our number one proven dance course for beginners and is perfect for the person who has never danced before. We’ll start with the very basics in each dance style you choose and work at your pace to build your level of proficiency.
We deliver our dance lessons in person in our Sydney CBD studio.
Plus, we’ll always make you a priority in studio, so that you’ll never feel overwhelmed.
Dance lessons at our studio
Your personalised Footsteps™ program is made up of private lessons, group classes and social events. This program is designed to get you moving on the dance floor straight away. During your trial lesson, you decide which styles of dance you want to learn. After that, we’ll put together a Footsteps™ program exclusively for you.
How do our dance lessons work
Your first lesson is a trial! When you arrive, you’ll be greeted by one of our friendly staff. We’ll sit down and have a little chat about your reasons for wanting to learn to dance and what you are aiming to achieve by taking lessons. Based on what you tell us, we’ll get you up and teach you a few figures in a few styles of dance.
And, don’t worry. We’ll make it fun and enjoyable. You’ll walk out surprised at how much you covered in such a small amount of time.
We’ll then develop a program that suits you. And once you enrol you then have control of when you take your private classes during your program timeframe.
As part of the program, you’ll have:
- the choice of which dances you want to learn. We’ll advise on complementary dances to make sure you get the most out of your program.
- free group lessons. where you refine what you learn. And learn more dances, outside of your program.
- free weekly and monthly in-studio socials.
- a dedicated teacher, working with you to progress through your program.
- a group of teachers you can call on for specialised lessons in technique, styling and more!
- the dance floor outside of your class times for practise.
- discount on our in person fitness classes.
- workshops and information sessions throughout the year.
When developing your program we consider:
- your natural ability. Some people just have rhythm, or simply pick things up quicker. We use our first lesson to discover your ability so we’re in a better position to advise you on how many lessons you’ll need to achieve your dance goals. Most people are better than they think!
- the music you enjoy. The style of dance is heavily influenced by the music. Dancing is moving to music after all. So while you might have your heart set on learning the Tango, if your favourite beats are modern pop, you might be a little disappointed!
- how you want to use your dancing. Are you getting ready for an upcoming event or do you simply want to learn for fun or fitness? These things influence the variety of styles and figures you may want to learn, and importantly how much time you’ll have to learn it.
How much will it cost
It’s hard to say. It’s a little bit like asking how much does a 4 bedroom house cost in Sydney. What suburb, is it double brick, single storey and have a big yard. Seperate garage. All of these different variables effect the price of a house and its the same with learning to dance.
Like houses, all of our personalised dance programs are different. So the things that are going influence the price are natural ability, how many styles of dance you want to learn, how many figures you want to learn, how much styling you’d like, and more.
There are a few things that we do promise:
- we’re fair
- we’re reasonable
- we’ll give you as much value as we possibly can
- and if we think we’re not suitable for you, we’ll say so.